Murchison Falls National Park – The World’s Most Powerful Waterfall

Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest park with its name emanating from the spectacular Murchison falls where the river Nile forcefully flows down 45 meters through an 8 meters narrow rocky gap before it continues its journey to the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile divides the park into two parts, with the northern side being mainly savannah and with most animals, the southern side is mainly woodland with less animals.

Biodiversity: 76 animal species including Elephants, buffaloes, lions, giraffes, leopard, Hippos, water bucks, crocodiles, hartebeests, oribis, Uganda kobs. Primates include the chimpanzees, patas monkey, Black and white colobus and the Olive Baboon. There are 451 bird species including the rare shoebill, Banded Martin, Red throated Bee-eater, Wooly-necked stork, Goliath Heron and more.

Size: 3840

Location: North western Uganda

Accessibility: Entebbe-Kampala-Masindi-Paraa 350 km

Tourism activities: Game drives, Boat cruises, nature walks, bird watching, chimpanzee tracking in Budongo and cultural performance at Mubaku village.