Mountain Elgon National Park – The World’s Largest Mountain Caldera

Mountain Elgon National Park derives its name from Mount Elgon on the border of Uganda and Kenya. It has an extinct volcano that erupted more than 24 million years ago. At 50 km by 80 km, it has the largest surface area of any dead volcano in the world.

There are scenic waterfalls, caves, gorges, the caldera on top of the mountain and hot springs. There are vast caves where elephants and buffaloes come to lick the natural salt found within the cave walls. Eastwards, the Kitum cave digs over 200 m into the Mountain side.

Biodiversity: The plant life diversity of the park includes, orchids olive trees, giant podocarpus, juniper and Elgon cedar Juniperus procera, elder Sambucus adnata, pillarwood Cassipourea malosana pure stands of Podocarpus gracilior. The park is has Elephants, buffalo, Black-and-white Colobus, Blue Monkeys and a various small antelopes. Over 300 birds have been recorded.

Size: 1,

Location: Extreme east of Uganda on the border with Kenya

Accessibility: Entebbe-Kampala-Jinja-Mbale-Kapchorwa 280 km

Tourism activities: Mountaineering, nature walks, bird watching, community and cultural tours (Bagisu/ Bamasaaba, Sabiny).