Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – The Ultimate Gorilla Exprience

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is one of the last opened parks of Uganda formed in 1991. It lies between altitude: 1,160m – 2,607m above sea level. Bwindi is well known for mountain gorilla trekking. There are 4 locations around the park for gorilla tracking throughout the year.

The park has a population of around 340 gorillas and only an estimated 40% are habituated. Of Bwindi’s 200 butterfly species, 42 are endemic to the Albertine Rift.

Biodiversity: There are at least 120 mammal species living in the forest, the eleven primate species found here include black-and-white colobus and L’Hoest’s monkeys, baboons and chimps. There are also forest elephants and several species of antelopes. Also an estimated 350 bird species with 23 endemic to the Albertine Rift and 14 recorded nowhere else in Uganda. Birds in Bwindi include Grauer’s Broadbill, Chin spot batis, Rwenzori Batis, Oriole Finch, Black billed Turaco, Bronze naped Pigeon, Ashy Flycatcher and more.

Size: Size: 321

Location: South western Uganda not far from the border with the Democratic republic of Congo

Accessibility: Entebbe-Kampala-Mbarara-Rukungiri-Kihihi-Buhoma 400km

Tourism activities: Gorilla trekking, bird watching, nature walks, community visits, cultural experiences and performances (Batwa / Pygmies and locals).